Tactical Financial Consulting
Consulting for Business, Finance, Real Estate, and Restructuring Matters

Time for Change
As Robert Frost wrote, "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference."
For the last seventeen years, I was blessed with the opportunity to run my own business - made possible only by the support of numerous friends and clients.
I will never forget the almost surreal emotion of being hired on my first case. And, along the way, I've worked with and built true friendships with some of the smartest and finest people around.
Nevertheless, time and change march on. Late last year an opportunity for something more personally fulfilling presented itself to me. The Brattle Group approached me to see if I would be interested in becoming one of its principals.
My response was simple and honest; I have no interest unless it is more fun. So, they offered me fun, lots of fun. I've now joined The Brattle Group to help build out its bankruptcy and restructuring practice and I'm supported by over 500 brilliant professionals in thirteen countries who specialize in just about every economic and financial specialty imaginable.
Even better, I'm helping to develop some of our younger professionals along their path to becoming superstars in the industry.
Pretty lucky for a small-town boy who grew up on a dirt road.
My new contact information is available here: Franklind Lea - Brattle